1. Be able to define asthma or status asthmaticus, and list one lung abnormality for asthmatics.
2. Health care workers should be able to classify asthma attack according to symptoms and peak flow values as mild, moderate, or severe and explain appropriate action taken.
3. Health care workers should be able to instruct patients on proper technique of MDI’s and appropriate action taken.
4. Define PEFR. Health care providers should be able to teach patients how to use a peak flow meter, obtain patient’s personal best, and teach patient to assess peak flow trends to help keep asthma under control.
5. Health care providers should be able to list two possible pharmacological agents used for asthma, list two adverse reactions for at least one group of drugs, explain when an asthma drug may be contraindicated and be able to identify the clinical pharmacology of at least one group of asthma drugs.
6. Identify some common asthma inducing factors. Know how patients can reduce asthma attacks in their daily living.